When I think of art I definitely think of self expression. Ev Dahl talks on what makes you an artist. was shot on my #Red Komodo 6k. I hope you'll like the visuals I captured! I definitely like the image coming out of the Komodo. Edited and Graded in Davinci Resolve with my 16mm Power grade. Follow me on Instagram @ https://www.instagram.com/simon_efokoa/ Tags. #red komodo #red camera # r3d #cinematic # 16mm film look #red komodo #red komodo 6k #red komodo review #red komodo footage #why get the red komodo #red komodo cinematic #red camera #red komodo rig #komodo 6k #komodo,komodo 6k review #red #red komodo test footage #red komodo dynamic range #6k red komodo #red komodo 6k dynamic range #red komodo vs blackmagic 6k #red komodo обзор #red komodo camera #red komodo autofocus #komodo 6k footage #обзор red komodo #shot on red komodo #red komodo unboxing #red digital cinema artist #how to be an artist #what makes an artist successful #how to become a great artist #how to write an artist statement #what makes a true artist #what makes a good artist #what is an artist #great artists #steal like an artist #real artist #artists | what it takes #success of an artist #how to steal like an artist #how to make money being an artist #being an artist #using a pseudonym as an artist #makeup artist (profession) #austin kleon steal like an artist #cinematography #filmlook #maryland videographer #dmv director of photography #videoproduction service Maryland #local videographer Maryland #videographer near Baltimore
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WashingtonDC director of photography.

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